CAPE Forum 2022 will be organized at the University of Twente (Enschede, The Netherlands) during 14-16 September 2022. The theme of this CAPE event is “From Science to Business”.
Computer Aided Process Engineering (CAPE) Forum aims to bring together researchers and industrial practitioners for an informal discussion on research topics, new and emerging technologies and cutting edge developments in both academia and industry, in the area of CAPE. CAPE Forum is basically a series of yearly small-scale but highly interactive conferences organized under supervision of the Computer-Aided Process Engineering (CAPE) Working Party of the European Federation for Chemical Engineering (EFCE). As both research and production in the chemical and life sciences industry is prominent in The Netherlands, this will be a joint industry-academia event as reflected in the program.
We aim to have about 40-50 registered participants from many universities in Europe and worldwide.
The registration fee is: 100 EUR per participant. Registration is now open – please click here to register.
Key dates & Submission
01-Sep-2022 Abstract submission & notification deadline (Download template)
01-Sep-2022 Registration deadline
14-Sep-2022 CAPE Forum starts
Note: Send your abstract by email to:
The scientific and social program includes the following (Download full program):
Wednesday, 14-Sep-2022
(U Park Hotel)
16:00 – Registration
18:00 – Welcome reception
19:00 – Opening + Keynote lecture 1: Bart Wentink (BASF) – BASF’s journey to become carbon neutral
20:00 – Keynote lecture 2: Ellen Slegers (Wageningen University & Research) – Exploring the potential of biobased chains by applying PSE-based sustainability assessment
Thursday, 15-Sep-2022
(The Gallery – UTwente)
09:00 – Keynote lecture 3: Stefan Kraemer (Bayer) – Sustainability, energy efficiency and digital innovations – Introduction and current projects of Bayer Process Design & Optimization (PDO)
10:00 – Presentations PhD students
10:45 – Coffee break
11:00 – Keynote lecture 4: Artur Schweidtmann (Delft University of Technology) – Mining chemical engineering flowsheets for artificial intelligence
11:45 – Presentations PhD students
12:30 – Lunch & Posters
13:30 – Education workshop: Course Development for PSE – Part 1 (Daniel Lewin, Technion)
15:00 – Coffee break
15:15 – Presentations PhD students
16:15 – Poster session & Drinks
17:30 – Closure
19:00 – Conference dinner (U Park Hotel)
Friday, 16-Sep-2022
(The Gallery – UTwente)
09:00 – Presentations PhD students
10:30 – Coffee break
10:45 – Digital process design for sustainability: Development and optimization of a bioethanol production plant (Cristian Triana, Siemens PSE)
12:45 – Lunch & Posters
13:30 – Presentations PhD students
15:00 – Coffee break
15:15 – Education workshop: Course Development for PSE – Part 2 (Daniel Lewin, Technion)
16:45 – Closure and goodbye
Official sponsors
PSE-NL | Siemens PSE | AIMMS | BASF | Bayer
Organizing Committee
Edwin Zondervan (University of Twente)
Meik Franke ( University of Twente)
Leyla Özkan (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Tony Kiss (Delft University of Technology)
Maria del Mar Perez-Fortes ( Delft University of Technology)
Venue and accommodation
The venue of the event is the U Park Hotel (building 45) and The Gallery (building 17) at the University of Twente (see Campus Map), located at: Drienerlolaan 5, 7522 NB Enschede, The Netherlands. A number of hotels are also available nearby: